Clean Design

At CariCode we believe simple designs are better. According to research published by Blue Corona, 48% of people determine the credibility of a business by its website design. Mobile users are goal-oriented. Speed is important and they expect to get what they need, instantaneously.

At CariCode every website we create is based on these important principles:

1. Home page and site navigation

Make secondary tasks available through menus or “below the fold” Your mobile homepage should be focused on connecting users to the content they’re looking for. Our goal while designing navigation us for new and returning users to be able to figure out how to reach your digital product easily and efficiently.

2. Keep Menus Short and Sweet

Mobile users don’t like to scroll through a long list of options to find what they want. Reorganize your menu to use as few items as possible, while maintaining key functionality

3. Make it easy to get back to the home page

Users expect to go back to the homepage when they tap the logo in the top-left of a mobile page, and they become frustrated when it isn’t available or doesn’t work.

4. Commerce and Conversion

Understand your customer journeys and let users convert on their own terms.Let users explore before they commit

5. Calls to Action

Keep calls to action front and center.